Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Institute for Prostate Cancer to organize a free Consultation Camp

 Long lasting Backache???? - get your Prostate checked
Free check up camp from 25th Sep to 10th Oct 2018  

Pune, 21st Sept, 2018:  Prostate cancer is becoming the commonest cancer amongst men.  Statistics say that almost one in six men suffer from Prostate Cancer in their lifetime. When it comes to treating potentially serious conditions, early diagnosis is the key. Generally, the earlier you begin treatment for a condition, greater are your chances for complete recovery.

 Institute for Prostate Cancer (IPC) is organizing a free Consultation camp in Pune from 25th Sep to 10th Oct 2018.
IPC, having the best doctors from across India on their panel, provides the best treatments to cure cancer.

Dr Deshmukh Hrishikesh, Consultant Urologist, says, “Almost 60 % of prostate cancer patients consult a doctor in the advanced stage in contrast to the developed world where 80%-90% patients are diagnosed in the first stage itself.  Unfortunately in India diagnosis of this cancer is usually very late. Prostate cancer is slow and a silent killer. So it is imperative to create an awareness about it and catch it at an early stage where it can be cured from the roots.”

 IPC mainly focuses on these areas since the last 5 years. Trying to create awareness about prostate cancer in the society, it has so far reached up to more than 70000 men.

 Primary Symptoms:
·         Prostate enlarges with age leading to obstruction in urinary passage which results in symptoms like straining to pass urine, frequency, night time awakening for urine, poor flow, sense of incomplete evacuation
·         In the advanced stage cancer presents itself with symptoms of backache, bone pain, loss of appetite, weight loss.

To tackle the increasing rate of patients suffering from prostate cancer, it is advised to do regular screening with DRE and PSA and not to neglect any kind of back pain especially after 50 years of age.

If detected at an early stage, one should undergo a  biopsy. Ideally biopsy should be done by a trained urologist under TRUS(Trans rectal ultrasound) guidance. Minimum 12-14 cores of tissue should be sampled through various areas of prostate in a systematic way.
MRI is used in to target specific areas if required.

IPC has carried out 480 biopsies and more than 40 % are positive.
If diagnosed at early stage Prostate cancer can be completely cured.
One should get screened for prostate cancer at and above 50 years of age.

Approximately 90% of all prostate cancers are detected in the local and regional stages, so the cure rate is very high.
Nearly 100% of men diagnosed and treated at this stage will be disease-free after five years. However, prostate cancer is still a deadly disease.

So, don’t ignore your long lasting backache and get your prostate checked at IPC and continue to live life to the fullest.
 Institute for Prostate Cancer (IPC) is organizing a free Consultation camp in Pune from 25th Sep to 10th Oct 2018.
IPC, having the best doctors from across India on their panel, provides the best treatments to cure cancer.

VENUE: Institute For Prostate Cancer                Ground Floor, Kumar the Orion,
                Opp Don Bosco Youth Center
                Koregaon Park road, Pune-411001
TIME:   By appointment
Contact Number: 020-660307777 / 78 

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